Update: Photos are up!
CAF B-17 and B-25 coming to Boeing Field!
CAF Airbase Arizona is touring the western US and will be at Boeing Field August 8-14, and so will we! Their B-17 Sentimental Journey will be available for ground tours and for rides Friday through Sunday. Get tour info here.
Rainier Squadron will be there helping during rides, Friday through Sunday. We’ll be happy to talk to you about CAF, our WWII veteran UK Royal Navy AT-19, and joining or supporting the squadron in our mission to educate, inspire, and honor. We’ll also have hats, patches, and future rides in the AT-19 available for purchase, which directly supports our ability to share the aircraft and its story with the public. (No rides available this weekend, unfortunately.)
(Photo: Mark Holloway — https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:B-17_%22Sentimental_Journey%22.jpg)